
Solar shield

My favorite creation is the "Solar Shield" - a portable solar panel device with many, many different applications. I created a company "COSLR" around the invention and it has its own page of the website to look through:

Remote Control Firework Launcher

During the summer before freshman year, I wanted to brighten up my Fourth of July. One of my first inventions was turning a cheap remote-controlled truck with flashing lights into a firework-launching tank. I disassembled the chassis, removed the lights, and redirected the wires into a lightbulb filament. I attached a metal pipe to the front and rewired the circuit. I grabbed some cardboard and built a new camouflaged exterior. On Independence Day, I loaded it with a firework, maneuvered it into position, and turned on the "lights." The filament glowed red, causing the fuse to light, and sparks burst out of the barrel. Witnessing the successful culmination of my work was thrilling, and it motivated me to invent more.


"Twisting Terrain"

In 2021, I built a landscape model showcasing the different ecosystems and biomes of the world in one cohesive model. After committing 30,000 pieces to the project, I brought it to the Virginia BrickFair at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA, for curious kids and fans of LEGO.


Although most of my artwork involves drawing birthday cards for my parents and grandparents each year, I enjoy sketching my own ideas. I decided to enter my high school's "Reflections Competition" during the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme was "I matter because..."

As a part of the future, I drew a futuristic image of New York City's Time Square in 2071. I focused on adding intricate details all over the piece from the buildings to the billboards.