JHU Bridge Project

Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation Program

The Engineering Innovation program offered by JHU was an exciting, college-level, summer program for other high school students with an aptitude and curiosity for engineering. During the three-credit college course, I completed activities in civil, chemical, electrical/computer, and mechanical engineering, and materials science. I dormed on campus during the month-long program and lived with other students from across the world.

The HydroBridge

Our final project was the classic spaghetti bridge which we prepared and tested during the final competition. As a group of four (pictured above), we drafted, calculated, prototyped, and constructed the "HydroBridge" which was a part of a running theme in our projects during the week. Below is a carousel of our calculations, constructions, and testing as well as our presentation at the bottom. Our bridge was able to hold a load of 8 kg which was higher than our predicted 6 kg, which placed us 10th in the competition out of the 40+ other teams.

JHU HydroBridge Project